The Most Valuable thing we have

Sometimes I think we forget that the most valuable thing we have is life itself. It’s a blessing we so often take for granted chasing objects that are fleeting, chasing people who are unavailable, and searching for an explanation to questions we will never have the answer to. Whenever I’m overwhelmed, I like to think from the perspective of my older self; what am I gonna look back on my life and wish I woud’ve done. Worried about what other people think of me? Worried about what my body looks like in a swimsuit? Worried about that boy that doesn’t even care to text me back? No, I’m gonna wish I didn’t pay mind to anything that didn’t pay mind to me, especially when, at any given moment, there are so many beautiful things to pay attention to. 

I wanna see as much of the world as I can see while I’m alive and I feel like I’m in this constant battle between I want to do it all and I want to appreciate all I do. Right now, I’m just content with the fact that I’m not afraid to figure it out. I’m not afraid of trying new things, I’m not afraid of failing, I’m not afraid of making mistakes. I’m not afraid of myself, I’m not afraid of my shortcomings. Because I face them, because I see them, because I love myself despite them. 

The more I get in touch with myself the more I realize that happiness is a choice, hard work is a choice, forgiveness is a choice. You can’t really blame anyone else for any of your thoughts and feelings. You decide how other people make you feel. You decide who you want to keep around. Taking care of yourself and meeting your own needs is the opposite of selfishness. It sets you up to be in a position to help others and create relationships that enhance the good that already exists in you instead of using others to fill a void or validate your self-worth. I think taking responsibility for your own well-being is the best thing you can do for yourself and the people around you. Sometimes I think we forget, that the most valuable thing we have is ourselves, for we are life itself.

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